HYPE encourages World Environment Day with apparel capsule - "Dance With Earth" by Coffeeboy Club.
Caring for the environment is everyone's responsibility, and we happen to be in one of the most polluting industries
- Fashion. Recognizing this, we at HYPE are adamant about improving the situation. Together with Coffeeboy, we are
launching the "Dance with Earth'' campaign to drive initiative in conjunction with World Environment Day 2022. The
idea behind this is more than just releasing a collection, but through this platform, we are encouraging our audience
to recycle clothes and donate used apparels to the needy and less fortunate. We are also setting up donation bins for
everyone to contribute to the earth.

Under the campaign, HYPE is also launching an organic cotton collection. Focusing on the undyed and unbleached finish of the cotton, the collection highlights the authentic white cotton color, which is richer in tone compared to the regular bleached fabric. This fabric treatment proves to have reduced each garment’s environmental impact without sacrificing the renowned durable qualities of HYPE Signature heavy fabric jersey.
HYPE x COFFEEBOY - Dance With Earth will be available on 17th June at all
HYPE retail stores across Malaysia, online at hypeclothingstore.com and coffeeboy club @gasket alley.
#DanceWithEarth #HYPExCOFFEEBOYCLUB #hypemy #coffeeboyclub